Saturday, January 8, 2011

Addicted to Food

Following the weight loss triumph of Dana Littleton of Guntersville, AL, I found an MSNBC article on a Today show episode on Food Addictions. Apparently it's scientifically proven now that food is addicting, just as illegal drugs, and the brain effects are almost the same. For those of us who've experienced the itchy-twitchy-bitchy cravings for carbs, it's not news--but it is news that science has backed up what we've been saying for generations. Sometimes, it's almost completly uncontrollable. Any addict, whether they're addicted to heroine, caffine, chocolate, or sex can certainly understand where we're coming from.

Too bad too many of them find it easier to point and whisper since it's more socially acceptable to laugh at the fat girl than to talk about the bitchy girl slurping down her fifth coffee of the day.

Read the article yourself at MSNBC


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